Consistent Curated Answers
Answer Hub
New question. New response. Same question. Different response. Pharmacy staff are faced with a myriad of patient questions that make it time-consuming and difficult, if not impossible, to answer them all in a consistent and timely way.
Synerio Engage™ provides a whole new way for your pharmacy to ensure accurate, timely and consistent responses to questions from your patients.

Answer questions just once
Here’s how it works:
- Synerio Engage™ logs all the questions that it doesn’t have the knowledge to answer, including the frequency each was asked.
- Pharmacy staff views and
writes an answer for the top questions (or all of them) based on your pharmacy policies. - Synerio will automatically answer future patient questions with the curated responses.
Save time
With the Answer Hub, fewer patient inquiries will be transferred to your staff for a response, saving time for both your patient and your staff.
Ensure consistent responses
Your staff answers the question once and then Synerio’s virtual pharmacy assistant will respond using that curated response the next time the question is asked.

Ready to revolutionize your patient engagement?
Take the first step toward improving your patient engagement and driving operational efficiencies.
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Are you ready to see Synerio Engage in action?
Unified patient engagement solution
Purpose-built, patient-centric, and technology-driven, Synerio Engage is a radically new approach to engaging patients.
Conversational, not navigational
Augment your staff with an unlimited team of AI-powered virtual pharmacy technicians that converse with patients via text, voice, mobile app, web, or chat.
Drive operational efficiencies
Leverage an AI-first solution to offload work, reducing interruptions to pharmacy workflow, and relieving the operational burden on your staff.
Request a Demo
Are you ready to see Synerio Engage in action?
Unified patient engagement solution
Purpose-built, patient-centric, and technology-driven, Synerio Engage is a radically new approach to engaging patients.
Conversational, not navigational
Augment your staff with an unlimited team of AI-powered virtual pharmacy technicians that converse with patients via text, voice, mobile app, web, or chat.
Drive operational efficiencies
Leverage an AI-first solution to offload work, reducing interruptions to pharmacy workflow, and relieving the operational burden on your staff.